
International Week 2012 in Sapporo City!

by Kazu

International week 2012 ended  and consulates-general of some countries wrapped up their booths at the event space of the underground promenade that connects Sapporo JR station and Odori area in Sapporo City.
 Needless to say, this is the booth set by the Republic of Chile.
Oh, Canada~~~! Can you sing the Natianal song of Canada ? To become the Canadian citizen, the full chorus of the song must be sung. My second hometown Ottawa developed so much after I left Canada, I heard. Particularly, the international airport of Ottawa was so up-graded as the international airport of th capital city.

 My wife and I have never seen the Canadian citizens wearing this kind of Cowichan sweater in Canada but we love this art of Cowichan tribe of vancouver Island!
I've never been to Finland but visited Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmo in Sweden in 2001. We Japanese have to rebuild the system of learning again to teach our own right history to the kids without being affected by adjacent countries as most of the countries on this globe do.
Honorary Consulate of Belgium mainly showed the introduction of their country including chocolate and diamond.
South America is also the continent I've never landed so far. Some friends in Canada recommended me to visit Chile which nation is very friendly to us Japanese but I could not have found the chance to visit this country during my life in Canada.

 Honorary Consulate of Spain exhibited a variety of photos and brochures. I am very interested in the province of  Cataluna. Will it become an independent country?
Uuuuuuh, Viva Mexico!
My wife could not climb the pyramid of Chichén Itzá and was frozen in the middle of the steps, crying out "I am so scared!"

 Of course, Consulate-General of China showed its heavy presence in the area as the country is showing on the international stage.

Affected by the economic situation or not, Consulate-General of Korea did not show its original power called the Latino Asia albeit the dramas and movie films are extremely popular in Japan. Japanese economic recession obliges the broadcasting companies to cut down on
the cost to make dramas and movie films. The quality of TV program in Japan nosedived, using start-up comedians that can be used with very cheap cost.
Consulate-General of Russia seemed to dispatch the staff to this exhibition area. Usually it has very handsome guys in Sapporo.
 United States of America !  I need the scenery of the desert and the air of Albuquerque, New Mexico !
 The season of powder snow has beggun! We welcome the people from Australia !
NewZealand! Paul, are you still in India?
I did not know that South Africa Republic has its honorary consulte in Sapporo. Absolutely I will try the great white shark watching tour off shore of Cape Town!
Latvia! I am eager to visit its capital city Riga!
 Kazakhstan ! It's importance in the international stage will increase much more soon !
Guatemala invites me to its fascinating rain forest and the coast.
I love Canada where you was born and is living, Norm! Have a good rest and come to Hokkaido again !
 For not Canadian people, this is the traditional uniform of RCMP, Royal Canada Mounted Police. At the beginning of this week, I remember all the friends in Canada and the United State of America again and prepare to send the Christmas card. We have much less time left in this year than we expected. Hurry up to do the right greetings!

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