Mr.Yoshinori Kanehira is the mayor of Numata Town in Sorachi sub-prefectural area, Hokkaido.
He was born in Numata Town in 1954 and graduated Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. After fulfilling his mandate as a variety of important posts in Numata Town, he was elected to the mayor of the town last year.
He loves buckwheat noodle cooking, travel and golfing. Particularly, he has the master-class skill of buckwheat noodle "soba" making.
He set up the circle of soba and soba making lovers and runs the cram school to teach how to make the soba noodle and enjoy the soba noodle soup.
First off, the buckwheat flour shoud be sifted and
water is poured in the bowl. The amount of water is 40% of the buckwheat flour. The timing is all. Its 80% water should be poured in the first pouring. And the flour and water should be stirred very quickly. water
After pouring the rest of the water, kneading and struggling to make the buckwheat flour cake as you can see on the lefthand side, it should be expanded with the stick immediately.
Mr Kanehira made up buckwheat noodle in half an hour. Kneading skill is superb.
In five minutes, the round buckwheat cake is expanded to a square sheet.
The buckwheat sheet is folded and cut with the special knife and board.
Many Japanese are crazy for this buckwheat noodle and noodle soup.
Mr.Kanehira sometimes teach the citizens and guests form outside of the town. If you want to learn how to cook the buckwheat noodle, please post your comment. I will make aphone call to his staff.
It may be hard for some females but Mr.Kanehira said even gradeschool students could the cooking easily.
If you made a mistake in pouring water, the flour should be thrown away.
She was successful in making the noodle but it was so hard for her that the mayor helped her kindly
Three kinds of sticks are required in this process.
Cutting the sheet is a little bit difficult for novices.
This is what many Japanese are crazy for .
Soba is so popular and some people have it everyday for lunch.
Thank you very much, Mr.Kanehira and Mr.Yokoyama!
Buckwheat flour in Numqtq is excellent!
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