
The Top-quality Hokkaido Tonkatsu Coming Soon ! !

by Kazu

Before the open of the current most famous and popular restaurant in Honolulu "Tonkatsu Tamafuji" headquartered in Sapporo and run by "Dokyu", we visited the flat where the new restaurant would be open.

This space is filled up with the customers every day and they have to wait for their turn for two hours in average. I was invited to the pre-open of the restaurant later. The Governor of the State of Hawaii Mr. David Yutaka IGE and his wife Mrs. Dawn Amano IGE were also invited at that time.
The CEO of  "Dokyu" assigned an able agent to open this restaurant and the agent worked wonders without any consultant and local agents that required thick margin. That was the tip to make the restaurant one of the most popular eateries in Hawaii. 


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