by Kazu
The new Governor of the State of Hawaii the Honorable Mr. Josh Green kindly fit the HOKKAIDO LOVE! T-shirt for photo session in front of the state emblem.
He promised to wear the T-shirt before going to bed. While the former Governor Mr. David IGE mad business jaunt to overseas, the Vice Governor, at that time, Mr. Josh Green had to stay in his office to play the role of the governor.
So he had few chances to make a business jaunt to overseas during his former mandate. He would work hard inside and outside of the state for eight years, I think. Anyway, Congratulations on your installation, Governor Green !
He promised to wear the T-shirt before going to bed. While the former Governor Mr. David IGE mad business jaunt to overseas, the Vice Governor, at that time, Mr. Josh Green had to stay in his office to play the role of the governor.
So he had few chances to make a business jaunt to overseas during his former mandate. He would work hard inside and outside of the state for eight years, I think. Anyway, Congratulations on your installation, Governor Green !