
Water Supply to the Base!

by Kazu

Can you believe that this miniature Ball Room House for the Seventh Battalion in Asahikawa was made of cigarette boxes ?We could see the logos of  the names of the cigarette such as "Seven Star", "Echo" and "Highlight".      
The concrete blocks part was made of the cigarette boxes of "Partner"as you see. The building of the house was for the upper class of the Japanese Imperial Soldiers but a variety of events were held there.
This diorama shows the former whole premises of the Seventh battalion placed in Asahikawa City. It had so large space and facilities in this very cold and beautiful plain.  



The Seventh Battalion established in Asahikawa City !

by Kazu

Mr. Takeshirou Nagayama was the first Mayor of Asahikawa City and he was advised to name the region "Nagayama" by the Emperor of Japan at that time.
When Japan fought against China, the central government of Japan recognized the necessity to strengthen the Imperial Army and designated Mr. Nagayama as the leader of the ground army placed in Asahikawa.
The embroidery on the sleeves of their uniform was superb even for the current technicians of embroidery. They had ample power and ability to head the soldiers and citizens.



The life of pioneers !

by Kazu

The former samurai soldiers Tondenhei soldiers had tough time in pioneering the new island and develop their land and treasures. With axes, plows, hammers, spades, they cut the huge trees in the forest and made plain. 
Of course, they had to maintain their guns, rifles and swords to fight against huge brown bears and deer. They had to join the battalion to protect the island from Russia.  
The first Mayor of Asahikawa City was former Major General of the Imperial Army of Japan. They made the most of their former imperial army engineers to build large bridges in Asahikawa City. 



The Soldiers Settled in Hokkaido !

by Kazu

Above is the typical house of Tondenhei soldiers who settled in Hokkaido. The shabby house with thin wooden wall should be strengthened with peat moss or mud like the houses of Jomon Era in Japan but this miniature house did not show the tips. .
The official uniforms of the official pioneers called Tondenhei soldiers were like these and their usual attire must have been like that on the right hand side. 
Some of them were the samurai soldiers in Edo Era or their descendants. So they have the traditional samurai armors not to lose the spirit never surrendered. 



The Pioneers Army settled in Hokkaido !

by Kazu

The development of Hokkaido was implemented mainly by Tondenhei soldiers who settled in Hokkaido. They were given enough foods and money to live for three years and they had to join the training as the guardians of Hokkaido regularly. 
Before that, Matsumae Feudal domain was placed in the southern part of Hokkaido Island by Edo Administration and only southern part developed quickly. 
The pioneers called Tondenhei soldiers must had tough time to develop the island. Some of them were attacked by huge brown bears and fight against them. You may have heard of the bear attack in Sankebetsu Village near current Rumoi City. 



When Hokkaido Island had not been developed !

by Kazu

These old records were buried for years despite the orders of the superiors in  the headquarters of the Ground Imperial Army  in Tokyo after Japan was defeated by the United Nations headed by the United States of America.After the Self-Defense Force of Japan had been organized and armed, the documents were dug out.  
I've not read the writing in those documents but they must contain so important things that work against the benefit of the United Nations including the United States of America.
They do not open the contents in those dossier but I am eager to go through the writing in the documents. That may turn over what made us Japanese brainwashed and fooled. 



Hokuchin Museum in Asahikawa City !

by Kazu

We visdted Hokuchin Museum run by the Self Defence Force of Japan. It is in Asahikawa City. Affected by the popular animation and comic book "Golden Kamui", it turned to one of the most popular spot to visit in Asahikawa.    
From the history of the Tondenhei Army and 7th Division of the Japanese Imperial Army that defended and reclaimed Hokkaido, to the 2nd Division of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force that walked aside by side with the people of Hokkaido through the various erasof the National Police Reserveand National SafetyForces,

they have around 2,500 precious artefact that tell the story of Hokkaido's reclamationand defense through the years.


Ice Hockey! Hokkaido Red Eeagles vs Tochigi Ice Bucks !

by Kazu

It was so cold in Tsukisamu Arena, Sapporo but the game heated up after Tochigi Ice Bucks got a point in the first period. Two gentlemen gave punches each other for a few seconds.
I have ice hockey shoes and enjoy skating on Rideau Canal in Ottawa decades ago and after coming back to Sapporo, enjoyed in Makomanai Arena for a few times but have never tried recent years. 

My hockey ice shoes are under my bed now with protectors and helmet. The edge of the skate shoes must be honed up again to enjoy skating. 


Sushi Natsume in Ajarenga Terrace and Ice Hockey !

by Kazu

I use a hole-in-the-wall sushi bar in the building Akarenga Terracenear my office to treat my guests from overseas. It is so small sushi bar but the talk of the sushi master in the bar is so friendly and attractive. 
The name of the sushi bar is "Natsume" and the URL is 


The master Mr. Natori is so friendly and fascinating with high degrees of skill.
After enjoying nice and delicious sushi, we went to Tsukisamu Arena to watch the ice hockey game for the first time in recent few years. A voice-percussion group performed beside the ice skate link and played the role of DJ. Hokkaido Red Eagles won the game and Tochigi Ice Bucks lost on that day. We are planning to visit Tomakomai City to watch the ice hockey game in coming February.   



The Second Worship in 2025 !

by Kazu

We visited Suwa Shrine in Sapporo to ask the priest to incinerate the charms and fortune teller's book after giving a pray. Before that, we did our second worship of this year and took photos of the decoration around the hand-wash fountain near the gate.  
The hand-wash fountain was gracefully decorated with a variety of flowers and umbrellas colored with purple, green, white blue and orange. My wife loves the decoration of this shrine. 
I was wondering where the priest and his disciples purchase theses beautiful umbrellas. They were made in Japanese style. These small umbrellas might be for females.