The season of sunflower is ending in Hokuryu Town. Some kinds of them are still blooming. Above is "Italian White" from France. "Sunrich Orange" from Chili is on the right.
"Solaya" from the United States are still in full flourish.
It seems that many seeds of the plants will be produced from this field. This kinds of sunflower may be the most sunflower-like kind. Honey bees were collecting their food from the flowers before their favorite sweets are lost.
Even while we were watching the flowers, it seemed that they were inclining to us as the sunshine is losing the power and it began to rain.
The ratio of the yellow color is decreasing now but some kinds of sunflowers can be seen until this weekend. Before autumn and winter, would you print the scenery of baby suns on your retina ?
Besides, the scenery of the fields from the north is on the left. Every flower is facing the south but some are like me:)
Because of recent uncertain weather like in southeast Asia including sudden shower called squall, the local drumming show and Japanese "Bon Dance" event to receive the souls of their ancestors were held in the Tourism Center of the town on August 23(Fri.).
Pretty kids in Japanese traditional attire called "YUKATA" which was put on while bathing, were dancing happily and pleasantly around the tower where a drummer was making sound that strikes a chord of our primitiveness.
This summer is saying good-by ?
But I have not dived in the ocean this year!
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