He had been working for the telecommunications company NTT in Japan and quited the lucrative position to seek for the best Japanese Yakiniku BBQ taste that could satisfy himself and the people on this globe.
His wife passed away a few years ago and he was not born in Iwamizawa City but he decided to devote himself to satisfy the citizens of Iwamizawa and adjacent cities.
He is not seeking for the benefit more than for making ends meet and very happy to see the people eating yakiniku happily and to have a chat and beer with the people.
He strolled around the world seeking for the best meat that can be provided to the folks with average income. As a result, the restaurant is buying in the beef from Shiretoko area that was listed on the World Heritage of UNESCO, the lamb from Hidaka Area that produces excellent racing horses. I can not say that the restaurant is squeaky clean and some people say the table and menu are greasy but the taste of the grilled meat is superb.
The horumon, intestinal part of beef and pork are bought in depending on the market price from the most competitive supplier at the moment. My colleagues were also surprised at the taste of the meat provided in this yakiniku restaurant. I guarantee that everybody is satisfied by the taste.
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