
The Former Dormitory of Hokkaido University !

by Kazu

The old building of the dormitory for the students of Hokkaido University was brought into existence again in this historical park of Hokkaido Pioneering. The name of the dorm. was "Keiteki Ryou".
 Even now, the new building of Keiteki Ryou accommodates many students on the premises of the university. The administrators of the dorm. worked in such office decades ago.
This is the model of the dorm. It must have been so cold in winter. The current dorm. in service is located on the northern west end of the premises of the university.  The students wore such attire every day. 



The Old Barn like that in North America !

by Kazu 

This is the old cattle house and barn that had been used in Hokkaido until decades ago. Dairy foods were produced mainly in Yukijitushi Company in Hokkaido.
Running a ranch had to be so tough and time-consuming but some kinds of subsidies were provided to the ranch owners and the efficient system were established.
Particularly when the calves were born, the cattle raisers had to be with the cows around the clock. In very cold winters, it must have been so tough for the cattle raisers and cows.



The Annual Burn-up Event of the Former Shinano Shrine !

by Kazu

The old Shinano Shinto Shrine was also brought into existence again in the Hokkaido Historical Park . Annual burnup event was conducted in front of the main Building of the Shrine.

Old charms,talisman and guardian items were burned up with dry straws and woods. Some people were surrounding and watching the fire.
An old farmer's house and barn of North American style was also reproduced at the edge of the park. They had been used actually decades ago. 



The Former Shinano Shrine !

by Kazu

Can you imagine how our ancestors figured out such tools to make silk strings efficiently? In each comparatively rich households, silk worms were raised and silk strings were made making the most of the space on the second and third floor of their house.
The aged floor made of wood created so nice and real atmosphere of the old house in Meiji Era. The tools and goods were actually used in that era. The smell of ht house spoke a lot. 
The old shrine Shinano Jinja was also reproduced and worshiped in the historical park. I am not sure how the donated money will be used but a real donation box was set in front of the sacred area of the shrine.



The Silk Threads Manufacturer !

by Kazu

Even in cold Hokkaido, silk manufacturing was tried like in Nagano Prefecture but it was too cold for the silk worms and the trail-blazers in Hokkaido.
To keep the amount and quality of the silk produced must have been difficult in such cold  climate. But the trace of their attempt was left in this historical park. 
I always really admire the ancestors' creative attitude, energy and efforts to make their lives better and creative. They never gave up to contemplate to hammer out the idea to get their lives better. 



Hokkai Junior High School !


by Kazu

Those custom-made figures must have been so expensive but I am not sure the prices of them. They seemed not to be hand-made of the office clerks of the old Hokkaido Prefectural Government.  
The old station in Sokenshuomabetsu was reproduced in this historical park of Hokkaido Government. The number of the students who could learn in this junior high may be limited but the existence of such symbolic key station of learning must have shown the way to step forward. 
The indigenous people in Hokkaido called Ainu were discriminated  like other discriminated people in Japan and their appearance was like Caucasians. In order to involve them into Japanese people, the elementary schools for the indigenous people in Hokkaido Ainu were built in some part of Hokkaido.


For Christians !

by Kazu

The Christians got together in such old wooden church but I am not sure if this kind of church was supported by the donation from only pure Christians or not but it may be understandable that the Japanese central government pretended to obey.   
The former building of Hokkai Junior High School was  also brought into existence again making the most of its original material parts. The white and pale green wall and roof must have given the inspiring and refreshing impression.  
As a first private high school and junior high in Sapporo City, it provided the citizens with the opportunities to learn a variety of precious legacies and state-of-the-art technologies as Hokkaido University did.