The Best Japanese Sweets on this globe ! " YAMADAYA " Never forget !
by Kazu
This scenery of old downtown of Esashi is not original design with narrow street but it has regained the power to attract people from other places on this globe since the time herrings had swamped the offshore of Esashi Town and colored the ocean white with their sperm., I think.
The well-established Japanese patisserie that has the history as long as that of Hokkaido's development, YAMADAYA is here to stay to provide top-quality Japanese traditional sweets in this town with long history and amazing annual festival.
Believe me ! Please try the sweets made in this small Japanese traditional patisserie. When the town had been fully flourished, so many people moved to stay here. Top-quality Japanese traditional patisseries and incredibly beautiful females were included.
This historical Japanese traditional patisserie was also moved from the original location along this road and refurbished so much. But the quality of the sweets were absolutely maintained.
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