It's time to say good-bye !
by Kazu
"The Team Beauties" finished their mission to research the real life on the small island "Kojima" where was so-called "the front-line base of kelp-picking".
We jumped in the boat of Mentor Mr. Ishizaki with our luggage and the daughter of Mr. Ishizaki and neighbors and headed Port Tokotan in Akkeshi Town. Can you find the difference of their countenances between before their "Experiences" on the island ?
They all looked so satisfied with their performance and precious experience on the island. The smiles of the ladies affected even The Man of the Ocean Mr. Ishizaki. When the ladies asked him for shake-hands, Mr. Ishizaki told them," My pleasure, if you need such dirty hands!"
It was a pity that I could not take the photo of Mr. Ishizaki fading away in the sunset on the sea.
It had been so fine during our mission in Akkeshi Town including "Kojima"Island.
Thank you so much Mr. Ishizaki for offering us bathing and lessons.
I hope that I will be able to visit you again this year again with beautiful ladies !
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