To the peaks 3 !
by Kazu
While crawling up the hillside of the mountains, the peaks to be conquered could not be seen. Some lookouts might be at the higher part of the hillside.
It would take more than three hours to conquer the three peaks including the one of Mt. Tokachi(dake). We thought that we had enough time and energy at that time.
But we did not recognized that the trail we selected at first was not available in that season. We lost an hour to go back to the appropriate trail to the peaks.
To the peaks 2 !
by Kazu
After leaving the entrance of the trail to the peaks of the mountains around Mt. Tokachi(dake), we headed to Ansei Crater.
It was not so hot on that day and the reflection of sunshine from the ground was not so tough.
The trail led to the ragged rocky area where water flow made the way and carried the huge rocks.
To the peaks !
by Kazu
My wife and I started to step ahead on the trail to the peaks around Mt. Tokachi(dake). Yes, we were heading to the garden of the deities.
The trekking course was not seen from the Hotel Ryouunkaku but we could easily imagine that we had to reach the skyline in a few hours.
The trekking course was covered with rocks and ragged. It was like the bed of the white river.
Dinner in Kamihoro-sou 3!
by Kazu
Flied fishes and veggies should be flavored with the mixture of salt and green-tea powder. It was so nice to have and made us feel the grace of the season.
The sea of clouds covering the hollow could be seen from the hillside. "Ryouunkaku" was near the entrance of the trail to the peak of Mt. Tokachi(dake), Mt. Kamihoromettoku and Mt. Furano(dake).
Dinner in Kamihoro-sou 2 !
by Kazu
A piece of moderately fatty sliced salmon was grilled and flavored with fermented-soybean based sauce. Sour taste of rice-vinegar gave a twist to the miso-based sauce.
So soft and tremendously tasty Furano beef was a kind of the peak of this entertainment in the dinner. The visitors should be literary beefed up with this meat to attack the peaks around this facility.
The sauce for the grilled beef seemed to be made up with some kinds of fruit paste. You might be convinced that you could eat tons of this beef with its flavor.
Hot Spring and Epicurean Delights !
by Kazu
The hot spring water given by the deities called Kamui in the language of the indigenous people of Hokkaido.
This is the bathroom of Kamihorosou on the hillside of Mt. Tokachi(dake) . The strong shower was so comfortable.
The hot spring water heals the wounds and bruises of our body so much. The smell of the sulfur and iron filled up the bathroom.
The feast ! Our dinner in Kamihoro-sou inspired impressed us so much. The iron pot to grill the beef was like that of Jingiskan pot.
Dinner in Kamihoro-sou !
by Kazu
Going back to before the visit of our guests from Korea, when we visited Kamihoro-sou on the hillside of Mt. Tokachi(dake), we had theses dishes of culinary delights sourced locally.
Can you find the black Camenbert Cheese on the top ? The cheese was colored and flavored with the ink of squid.
The colors of the veggies grown in Furano entertained us and effected so much as the appetizer.
Shall we imagine the taste of these dishes with the photos and the short comments on them ?
Topped with salmon roe and mushrooms, pudding-like steamed egg and broth played the roll of the starter of this entertainment.
Bye Bye Autumnal Foliage !
by Kazu
How did you enjoy the beautiful autumnal foliage this fall ? My impression was red color was not enough this fall albeit yellow Ginkgo leaves were glaring brightly every year.
Even in the evening, it was as if the yellow leaves compiled the sunlight in daytime.
Usually, this red leaves had been much stronger than this year, I think. I did not has enough time to savor the beautiful autumnal foliage this year. It is a pity that without being impressed amply by the colors and the beauties of the foliage this fall, we have to get over the white cold winter.
A variety kinds of trees are growing on the premises of Hokkaido University.Cherry, larch, birch, spruce, Japanese apricot, Japanese magnolia and so on.
It is getting colder and foodies are going to the place of epicurean delights. Appetite is growing and my weight might have increased a little bit. Please stand on the gauge before the complete white sweeps the world.
See you again !
by Kazu
It was so pity that we could not have enough time to soak our body in the quality hot-spring water that could heal our body and mind so much.
This is the entrance of the bathroom of the new facility, renewal-opened "Yuki Chichibu". It has not so huge but cozy hot spring bath tubs in which strong hot spring water with the smell of sulfur. It might be tough for the people from outside of Japan to bear the hot temperature of the hot spring water in this facility but believe me, it effects so much.
Needless to say, the bathes for males and females were separated and the angle is from the outside bath to the inside. It seemed that the outside ones shrank to the half size, compared to the ones before the renovation.
The reception of the facility seemed to be squeaky clean. Considering the former building of this hot spring spa, it can be said that sea-change occurred.
Our guests allowed us to take photos without making-up because it was after bathing. "Youth itself is the power", I thought.
Thank you so much for visiting us from Korea and come again !
In front of "Yuki Chichibu " !
by Kazu
In front of the hot spring fountain and the spa that used th same resource, we took photos but Mt. Iwao-nupuri and Chise-nupuri could not be seen in the darkness.
We could not have time to walk around the hot spring because it would take two hours to reach my condo and it was at four forty in the afternoon. The re-opened hot spring spa might be the best choice for them for a certain reason.
As we had had late breakfast and plenty of fatty and tasteful ramen noodle soup for lunch, we were not so hungry but as I would have to take them to the rendez vous point for their delegation the next day and I recognized that the rest of the time I could share was so limited like the sunset in winter..